Traian Basescu hits record of Facebook pages

Romania’s President Traian Basescu reveals an extensive presence on Facebook, however all “his pages” are not created or owned by him. Traian Basescu is present on social website Facebook only on the pages created by his opponents or fans. Perhaps the social networking site is the only public place where the Romanian president left the situation be handled by others.

One of the multiple Facebook pages related to Romanian president Traian Basescu

If Basescu’s official website uses only images and content borrowed from Wikipedia and has 856 fans, the pages and campaigns that oppose the president are much more numerous.

There are pages launched long time ago, during the 2009 election campaign when Basescu was very popular, but now they are suffering of lack of activity.

The page “Support Traian Basescu” has 18 fans and the page “Basescu” page has 317 fans , while “Basescu presedinte!” page has 488 fans.

All these accounts are going to be closed next month, by Facebook administrators due to lack of activity (those pages are considered inactive).
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On the other side there are pages created by Basescu’s opponents or those who challenge president’s policy. It seems that the “opposition” pages are very active and the number of members is high.

It must be said that ingenuity and humor manifests itself in full, especially when it comes to politics.
Page “Demisia Traian Basescu” (Resignation Traian Basescu!) has over 40,000 subscribers and “O lamaie poate avea mai multi fani decat Basescu!” (A lemon can have more fans than Basescu!) is very active and has 17,180 fans.

Basescu-related Facebook page ranking on third position in term of number of subscribers is named “Cerem suspendarea lui Traian Basescu!” (We demand the suspension of Traian Basescu!). This page records over 13,000 supporters and newsletters related to President’s activity.

2 Responses

  1. victor says:

    se spune ca un singur om in stat daca el insa nu este corupt legea functioneaza ptr toata lumea egal:i mi puteti spune domnule inlocuitor al lui iliescu ce dracu ati miscat in tara aia de 20 ani si cit dracu luati cu voi pe lumea cealalta ,acolo piinea este fara bani ,m i ati putea spune cit dracului mai stam departe de tara noastra si de copii nostri? rusine ,faceti de rusine neamul romiinesc raspundem daca ai curaj

    • Richard Simon says:

      Victor is right on the main lines.
      Iliescu it was a weak President, but Basescu is catastrophic. I’ve got a great fear that the Ex Sailor Captain is not far away from Ahmadinejad as a way of thinking, and for what terrible measures he’s taken against the Romanian people. 🙁

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