Video: Upset elephant attacks and turns over car with tourists at Kruger National Park in South Africa

It is advisable to keep a safe distance when filming animals in the wilderness, otherwise your safari holiday might turn into a unforgettable nightmare as it can be proved by the video below.

Elephant tips over vehicle with tourists at Kruger Park (Capture Youtube)

Elephant tips over vehicle with tourists at Kruger Park (Capture Youtube)

An elephant from a South African reservation attacked and overturned a car carrying two tourists who in the end managed to escape with their lives.

Two tourists driving a car at the Kruger National Park in South Africa have experienced moments of terror when an angry elephant their were following, came back and overturned their vehicle.

While the woman was seriously wounded by the tusks of the elephant, the man escaped with minor injuries. The giant animal was subsequently killed by the preserve officials.
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The elephant attack was caught on tape by another tourists who were shooting images from a longer distance.

Video: Giant elephant knocked over tourist car at the Kruger National Park

2 Responses

  1. Christine cranswick says:

    Completely the drivers fault, the elephant was walking away so why try to get too close.

  2. Kurt Schultz says:

    Never get too close to the animals in the Kruger National Park. It is their home and should be respected as such.

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