Photo: Terrafugia Transition the first road-legal flying car

Terrafugia Transition preparing to touch down after a nice ky trip. Photo: terrafugia

Flying car on U.S. roads: works on petrol and fits perfectly in the garage; see how it looks like.

It seems that the idea of a flying car might become reality sooner than you think because the U.S. authorities have just approved recently such a model.

Terrafugia Transition is a two-seat aircraft that features a maximum speed to 185 km/h, a range of 800 km on a tank of fuel and can be piloted by anyone who has 20 hours of flight training. When used as a car, the $250,000 Terrafugia reaches a much lower top speed of only 104 km/h.

The flying car can easily be parked in a garage because its wings are folded up in 15 seconds.
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The vehicle runs on high-octane unleaded petrol (gasoline) therefore the costs are quite small. The project started back  in 2006 and experienced troubles in 2010 due to unexpected additional costs (£12 million).

The roadable aircraft Transition performed its first flight on March 5th, 2009 in Plattsburgh, New York. Watch magnificent test flight 1146 of Terrafugia (airport take-off)

The inventor compared his flying vehicle with the robots featured in the movie “Transformers.”

Video press release shows the first test drive/flight of Terrafugia Transition and what the flying vehicle is capable of