Anders B Breivik: Knights Templar-2083 A European Declaration of Independence

(Scroll down for Knights Templar-VIDEO and also DOWNLOAD of the 2083-Independence document) Norway attacker Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people intending to trigger an anti-Islamic revolution across Europe. The reasons behind the attacks gradually emerged to light through his statements and messages left behind on the Internet. Breivik is allegedly believed as being part of an association called the New Knights Templar.

Picture of Anders Breivik pointing an automatic weapon seen in Knights Templar 2083 video

The killer posted before the attacks, a 12-minute film (called Knights Templar 2083) in which he motivates his actions as part of a war against Muslims. Charles Martel, Vlad the Impaler and the templar master Jacques de Molay are among the historical figures admired by Breivik. The video allegedly features photos of the killer wearing a combat vest and pointing an assault gun.
The Knight Templar book is signed by author Andrew Breivik who reveals within the manuscript pages that Andrew Berwick is an Anglicized version of Anders Breivik. Although a Norwegian forum debated the 1500 pages book, next you can download and view (partially) the 2083-Independence document. Nevertheless new investigation revealed that actually Ted Kaczynski’s “Unabomber” manifesto was the source of inspiration for Breivik (read at the bottom of the article)

Anders Behring Breivik’s (aka Andrew Berwick) motto:
“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.”

Video: Anders Breivik – Knights Templar – 2083 A European Declaration of Independence

Watch also tape capturing Utoya gunshots upon SWAT forces arrival

The friends of the Norwegian bomber are shocked by his action and they can not explain it. There was nothing like what he did. That’s unimaginable. However there were little apart things, that still does not explain his motivation. He was very proud, especially in the relations with girls.

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Oslo massacre sparked one of the largest inquiries in the history of Norway. Police today conducted a raid on a farm in connection with the bombings and detained six persons but they were later released.

Breivik now claims that he acted alone, although he does not consider himself as guilty and says he will provide further explanations of his actions on court. Cold blooded Anders Breivik said:“I Killed Them But Didn’t Break Law”(No comments for such words from a (probably) mentally ill person.“He says he acted alone, but we must make sure that is true and his version is correct. He did not plead unguilty,” an investigator said.

Investigation (version) update: “2083-EU Independence” Vs. “Unabomber” manifestos.

A Norwegian publication, has discovered that much of Anders Behring Breivik’s 1,518-page “2083 A European Independence Declaration” manifesto overview was copied almost word by word from Ted Kaczynski’s manifesto, The Unabomber. However Kaczynski never considered himself a Knights Templar.

Of course there are some differences: Breivik swapped the word “left” to “cultural Marxist” and changed “black” to “Muslim.”

Example Unabomber modifications by Breivik:
Unabomber manifesto: “One of the most wide spread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism Can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.”
Anders Behring Breivik’s Manifesto: “One of the most wide spread manifestations of the craziness of our world is Multiculturalism, so a discussion of the psychology of multiculturalists Can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of Western Europe in general.”

4 Responses

  1. Ragnhild Børgersen says:

    Du er syk.

  2. Peter Berg says:

    Bra at noen fjerner disse syke arbeiderparijævlene!

    • Ragnhild Børgersen says:

      Du kan ikke mene at terroristen og skytteren som har tatt Livet til en rekke Ungdommer og noen eldre har gjort noe bra. DA VIL JEG SI AT DU ER LIKE SYK OG FORSKRUDD SOM Anders B B.

  3. Harry says:

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    Para3, line 3, link text: the 2083-Independence document