Richard Drew about The Falling Man: It is no problem that he was not identified

The photographer who captured “The Falling Man” said “Not a problem if he wasn’t identified.

Stunning photo of The Falling Man captured by Richard Drew

Richard Drew is the Associated Press photographer who made​ history after capturing with his camera the last life moments of a man falling off one of the top floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:41:15 during the terrorist attacks that occured on 11 September 2001. Drew admitted that photography is his job and never thought for a moment that his picture might be considered a “historic snapshot.”

American Richard Drew told in an interview how he captured the fall of the desperate man.

AP photographer Richard Drew snapped a man falling from North WTC Tower

“The man I photographed was not the only one leaping off the building. And that picture featuring him with the head downwards was just one of the several sequences taken during his fall. And the camera accidentally took the shot at a certain proper point. If it were a split second later or earlier would not have been the same picture.”

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I was picturing everything I saw in those moments and when I got into my office and downloaded the staff on the laptop I started viewing each photo.

When I saw the picture I called my boss -the photo editor- and I said “Come and see that picture.” He also remained stunned. Because coincidentally, the picture has a sense of symmetry in it, the visual is perfectly aligned.”