Facebook Experiment: “I wanna be dead”. Student probes people’s reaction

Experiment: What does it happen if you post on Facebook the message “I want to die”? (scroll down for video)

A Facebook page and a six-minute video tells the story of the 12-year-old Hailey Bennett whose mother died, then being abused by father and bullied by colleagues on Facebook. Finally, the young girl chooses to commit suicide.

Long Island student Jessica Barba launched anti-bullying project on Youtube and Facebook which brought her temporary suspension from school.

But do not worry, because Hailey Bennett is just a fictional character. Actually the whole story was invented and staged by a U.S. Long Island high school student Jessica Barba. She explains how she created a Facebook page and a YouTube video suggesting her suicidal intentions. And all these for a school project aimed at “presenting a major problem in nowadays society”.

However Jessica Barba, 15, was not really appreciated for her fictional project, but on contrary, she was suspended for five days from attending classes.

A concerned parent who saw the fake Facebook page featuring the post: “I want to be dead”, called the police immediately. Police contacted girl’s teachers and Jessica was questioned by the school manager.
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The girl said that she embedded an explanation of the project on both Facebook and YouTube.

Her mother tried to convince the school that it was just a simple online project, but Jessica’s punishment remained unchanged. “Her project turned out so wonderfully and we’re so proud of it,” said Barba’s mother, Jody. Jessica did not ask for publicity, instead she captured nation-wide interest. But anyway her message/project fulfilled its purpose.

Video: Hailey Bennett story…a Fictional bullying narration by Jessica Barba