VIDEO & PHOTO: Plane safest seats: Skyscanner survey

A site dedicated to information about planes and airlines carried out a survey in early 2012 which aimed at telling us what the best seat on a passenger jet is (scroll down for video).

This photo aims at showing the odds of getting out alive from a passenger jet

Researchers concluded that the safest seats on an airplane are those along the aisle and as close to an emergency exit. The survey emerged after 20 years of study taking into account 105 aviation accidents and interviewing 1,000 survivors. Relatively explainable, the passengers with the highest survival chances are those sitting on the aisle seats and in the close proximity of an emergency exit because they can quickly leave the plane. The chances are significantly reduced for those located more than 6 rows away from the exit point.

According to a Skyscanner survey, passengers prefer the first six rows of the aircraft. Window seats are preferred by 60 percent of the passengers, while the middle seats are usually desired only by one percent of the travelers.

The most avoided seat on a plane is 31E, -a middle seat somewhere on the second half of the aircraft-, which is neither near any door nor toilets. The most wanted seat is 6A. Those who choose this seat can get quickly off plane, without being confronted with the hustle that is normally created in the case of a crash.

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On the other hand, Todd Curtis, the author of “Understanding Aviation Safety Data”, claims that there are no “safer” places on a plane. Although there are many studies saying that certain “parts” of the aircraft cabin are safer than others, this can not be proved scientifically. This is because, Curtis says, the cause of every plane crash is determined by several factors, making the analysis very difficult. Due to this complexity there is little chance to identify the so called “safer seats” on an aircraft.

Video survey Skyscanner: Best airline seat