Romanian society, a degrading world ruled by television rating obsession?

Antena 1’s Acces Direct team seem to have humiliated Ioana Tufaru as TV show sparks controversial debate over morality inside the Romanian society.

Ioana Tufar subjected to mockery and cruelty from Romanian media.

Ioana Tufar subjected to mockery and cruelty from Romanian media.

If you wonder how far a Romanian television would go for its rating, the answer can sometimes be depicted by a single word: limitless.

Follow up the story below to see how exactly the scandal unfolded.

Ioana Tufaru, the daughter of the late Romanian actress and singer Anda Calugareanu, was offered a cleaning job by Adriana Bahmuteanu, known as a tv hostess and Silviu Prigoana’s former wife. Practically Tufaru was supposed to clean up a garden thus being remunerated with some bucks. Apparently Anda’s daughter was hardly admonished by Bahmuteanu who “called” her a lazy and very dirty person. As if that wasn’t enough, the whole scene was filmed by an Antena1 television crew and subsequently aired on Simona Gherghe’s live show Acces Direct on Monday evening.

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In the video recording of Acces Direct, Ioana Tufar is told she should be better living in Congo or in Jamaica, countries which according to the reporter and “Bahmu”, appear to be famed for the laziness of their citizens (but do not thrust their opinion, there is no official report on that aspect). After picking up the junk spread across the backyard, Tufaru underwent also a hygiene inspection. Prigoană’s ex-wife inspected Ioana’s ears concluding that are greasy and dirty. Then Adriana said she feels disgusting even looking at her. At the end of the televised humiliation episode Ioana Tufaru received 50 RON (~ $11 USD) along with “heartfelt” advices of buying cosmetics and removing the filth between her toes.

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