Edward Mordrake, the two-faced man who amazed the medical world: fact or legend?

A man who was allegedly born with two faces -due to a genetic malformation- left the doctors worldwide in shock. The man in question here is Edward Mordrake and was seemingly born with an extremely rare malformation.


Edward_Mordake, the man with an extra face on his back (Credit: b1.ro)

According to Wikipedia, Mordake is the character of a popular urban legend, named as the 19th century heir to an English peerage. However, his case is reported to be quite real as it made the headlines around the world.

Believe it or not, he had another face behind his head and only 10 men in history have been recorded with this “birth defect”.
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Doctors in those days did not know how this could happen, considering initially that he was possessed by demons. Subsequently, the modern medicine has learned that, in fact, this malformation comes from a rare mutation of the gene responsible for producing conjoined twins. Edward asked doctors to remove the face on the back of the head, complaining that it whispers terrible things at night, though normally the second face could not speak, nor eat. However, no surgeon attempted to carry out an operation.

The Englishman was found dead at the age of 23 and the official version of the criminal statement concluded that the death was “suicide.” Several newspapers of the time found that the passing occurred in conditions too weird to be considered suicide. Source: Kanald

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