Francis Pope monumental gaffe. Vatican Pontiff unwittingly swore during blessing ceremony (VIDEO)

Blessing speech of Pope Francis held at Vatican on Sunday, sparked laughter after His Holiness dropped accidentally a pronunciation mistake which now goes around the world (scroll for video).

Pope Francis addressed the crowd over the Ukrainian crisis and, during the public blessing, instead of saying “caso”, which means “case” in Italian, the Pontiff uttered “cazzo”, the word designating the male genital organ. In plain words, the Pope accidentally said the “f-word” in Italian 🙂

The English translation of the troubling part of the speech was like: “If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this f**k… in this case the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity.”
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Argentinian Pontiff’s gaffe was immediately noticed and the recording of the speech makes the rounds of the Internet. The awkward bungle makes Francis the first Pontiff in history to ever let slip an expletive in front of a public audience.

Video: Pope Francis inadvertently swore during blessing in Vatican

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