Juan Jose Padilla stabbed by bull during Zaragoza corrida

One of the most famous Spanish toreros, Juan Jose Padilla, was seriously injured Friday after being stabbed in front of horrified people during a bullfight held in Zaragoza.

Matador Juan Jose Padilla got injured in bullfighting (Fiskeharrison via Wikimedia)

Matador Juan Jose Padilla got injured in bullfighting (Fiskeharrison via Wikimedia)

Jose Padilla managed to stick a pair of “banderillas” (specific stakes used in bullfighting) into the bull’s back when he stumbled and fell down. The animal took quickly revenge and stung the toreador with one of his horns, that entered Padilla’s maxilla and came out through his eye’s orbit.

The matador was taken out of the arena featuring a destroyed face overwhelmed by blood. He shouted “I can not see, I can not see,” according to images broadcast by Spanish TV channel Canal + Toros.

Doctors initially feared that the wound will be fatal, but the arena’s doctor said later that Padilla is in serious condition and will operated by a medical team at Miguel Servet Hospital in Zaragoza.

The 38-year-old Juan Jose Padilla has been for many years one of the top toreadors of Spain, being admired for his courage to face the toughest bulls.

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The horrible incident that took place during one of the last festivals of the season, highlights the dangers that threaten the traditional Spanish show, amid growing pressure coming from anti-bullfighting activists.

Campaigners against bullfighting see the corrida as a barbaric ritual that can not take place in a modern society. Instead, supporters of bullfighting say this is a unique form of art that symbolizes the Spanish culture.

Spanish authorities have banned bullfightings in Catalonia region as of next year. The last show was held on the famous arena La Monumental in Barcelona​ on September 26 and gathered over 20,000 fans.

Video with Juan Jose Padilla being injured by bull during “corrida de Feria del Pilar de Zaragoza was posted on Youtube.

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  1. Fuckjuan says: