Steve Jobs photo, a model for Traian Basescu parody

President Traian Basescu, a follower of Steve Jobs

What do Steve Jobs and Romanian President Traian Basescu have in common?

See a parody inspired by Apple founder’s photo.

Romanians proved to be extremely inventive and came up with a new possible logo for the internet giant Apple.

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The qualities shared by the two personalities are unveiled by the internet users in a superb parody idea which fits somehow perfectly the reality from the East-European country.

The famous photo featuring Steve Jobs (1955-2011) dressed in black shirt was a little photoshopped to show off a possible successor e.g. Traian Basescu wearing identical outfit. However next to “Base” you might see the things different: “No Jobs 2004 – 2011” 🙂

1 Response

  1. Simon says:

    Very well spotted there to ScârBăsescu: no jobs, no initiative or solutions (of any kind), no social or economic program, no vision, no.. no.. no.. more ScumBasescu !!! 🙁