Google takes action against piracy. Copyrighted material protected in seach box

You need to pay high attention before typing names of filesharing sites.

Google decided to start the battle against piracy by tweaking the search keywords.

In a world with piracy getting widely spread every day, big companies try to combat this phenomenon by all kind of inventive methods. So it’s also the case of internet giant Google that decided to “forget” a series of keywords or websites related to piracy and distribution of illegal online content.

So already famous file sharing sites such as: The Pirate Bay, isoHunt, 4Shared or Torrentreactor can not be found anymore through Google searches unless their names are typed completely and correctly. Also terms like BitTorrent, uTorrent or RapidShare appear to be ignored.
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No matter how beneficial this action is for copyrighted content, it strikingly resembles a form of censorship. It is perfectly true that the piracy is a bad thing, but such actions intimidate user’s mind which sees Google not that “cool” anymore.

This move by Google aims at minimizing the number of daily visits/hits enjoyed by the websites promoting the online piracy. The problem is that by “forgetting” them, it will ve even harder for some users to find out the benefits of legal use of peer to peer file sharing services.