U.S. allies with Egyptian people and demand military to give up power

Egyptian demonstrator demands military regime to give up power. 24 Nov. 2011

Tens of thousands of protesters demanding Egyptian military leaders from Cairo to cede power in the hands of civil authorities have found a supporter in Barack Obama administration (scroll down for video).

Nearly 100,000 protesters gathered Friday night in Tahrir Square in Cairo to ask the military to cede power in the hands of civil authorities – another step in the revolution that overthrew Hosni Mubarak in the spring.

The appointment of a new prime minister after the resignation of the civil government a few days ago, did not satisfy at all the demonstrators. They said that real power is still handled by the Army Supreme Council, led by Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantaui, a former ally of Mubarak.

In addition, Kamal Ganzouri, the man responsible for forming the new executive is also a former close friend of Mubarak.

Many people ask for the postpone of the parliamentary elections scheduled to begin Monday, a request not entirely shared by the opposition.

Muslim Brotherhood, the best organized group, is more likely to get a good result in the elections which begin on Monday and lasts for three months. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood tried to curb protests and fermly supported the organization in time of elections.
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North of Tahrir Square, a rival demonstration gathered several thousand people, who chanted in support of the government and against the postponement of elections.

Tonight, -one week after the start of the new series of protests that resulted in nearly 40 deaths,- the White House has made a clear position, saying that the power of Egypt should be transferred to an organized civil government as soon as possible.

“We believe that the most important is the complete transfer of power to a civilian government conducted in a fair manner and without exclusion and to meet the legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people, as soon as possible,” said Jay Carney -spokesman for the House White- on Tuesday.

In an interview for CNN, Egyptian journalist and blogger Hossam El-Hamalawy tells that Egypt must get rid of Mubarak’s generals to move forward.
Video: Egypt blogger asks army to step down