Romanian autumn: Rosia Montana protests continue

Romanian media reveal that nearly 15,000 people rallied at the University Square in Bucharest in protests against the controversial mining project in Rosia Montana.

Rosia Montana protest Bucuresti

Large crowd rallied in Bucharest, Romania to protest against mining project Rosia Montana (Credit: Facebook/Vlad Ursulean)

About 2,000 people reportedly left the university square and went marching along the Brătianu Boulevard blocking the road traffic. The massive group of demonstrators is led by parents pushing strollers with children, and behind them the first row of protesters hold a giant banner.

The people chant various slogans such as “Rosia Montana is not for sale”, “United, we will save Rosia Montana” and carry banners that read “Fate of Rosia Montana = Fate of Romania”, “I’ll tie myself with 24 karat chains”, ” Victoraş (i.e., name of Romanian PM)! Take care of the child … Gabriel”, “We love nature / Cherish culture / Respect bible / Save Rosia Montana”, “We do not want Chevron, neither RMGC, we want to be left alone”, “We do not wish to get poisoned on our Romanian land”.

The marching route includes Blvd Ion C. Brătianu – Unirii – Blvd Nerva Traian – Văcăreşti – Blvd Tineretului – Blvd Dimitrie Cantemir, with return to the University Square.

The crowd started to gather at the University fountain as of 17.00 hrs, bringing flags, banners and posting messages against cyanide mining and shale gas exploitation.
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Also a “charity box” with the mesage “we want to buy our own politicians” was seen around.

Similar protests are announced to take place on Sunday, September 15 in several cities, such as Iasi, Alba -Iulia, Suceava, Constanta, Craiova, Buzau, Cluj- Napoca, Timisoara, Targu Mures, Brasov and Sibiu.

Some other protests are scheduled abroad in various cities like London, Amsterdam, Paris, New York, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Barcelona, Milan or Prague.

It is reported that the 33 miners who were on a strike quit their protest after Prime Minister Victor Ponta made his arrival at Rosia Montana and convinced them to leave the underground and come to the surface.

1 Response

  1. Cercetătorii români dezvoltă o soluție ingenioasă pentru extragerea aurului de la Roșia Montană printr-o tehnologie ecologică, prietenoasă cu mediul, care nu implică în niciun fel utilizarea cianurilor…
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