Drug lord El Chapo Caught Again, Tweets Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto tweeted that the notorious drug kingpin “El Chapo” has been seized…again.

“Mission accomplished: We have him. I want to inform the Mexicans that Joaquin Guzman Loera has been detained,” reads the message posted in Spanish language.

El Chapo Guzman was captured by Mexican Marines (wikimedia)

El Chapo Guzman was captured by Mexican Marines (wikimedia)

Mexico Marines acknowledged that Guzman was captured following a fire exchange with the Marines in the city of Los Mochis, in the state of Sinaloa.

Previously, The Associated Press announced that 5 people had been killed and 6 apprehended when the Mexican Marines stormed a residence in Sinaloa. The government has not confirmed any link between the 2 events, informs ABC News.

57-year-old Joaquin Guzman, broke out of the Altiplano prison near Mexico City on July 11, 2014.
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When prison guards figured out that he vanished from his cell, they discovered that a nearly 2 kilometer ventilated tunnel had been dug and had an exit via the bathtub inside Guzman’s cell.

El Chapo had been detained 5 months ahead of his July escape.

He had ran away before from a prior prison stint, using a tunnel as well.

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