Effects of caffeine on human body in first hours after drinking coffee

For many people, the coffee is a necessity, a mainstay of the morning ritual, something without which you can not kick off the day.

But have you ever wondered what changes occur in your body after drinking a cup of coffee?

Well, it appears that within the first 10 minutes, the caffeine enters the blood stream. The blood pressure starts to rise and the same happens with the heart beat rate.

After 20 minutes, you feel more focused and alert. It is much easier to capture information, make decisions and solve problems. Moreover, the caffeine helps you feel less tired because of binding to adenosine receptors in the brain cells. Practically it reversibly blocks the action of adenosine on its receptor and consequently prevents the onset of drowsiness induced by adenosine.

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40 minutes later, the serotonin levels begin to rise. This improves the functioning of neurons, leading to increased muscle strength.

After four hours, the coffee acts on the cells and helps your body release energy. The body begins to burn fat even when you are at total rest. In addition, the caffeine stimulates and enhances the production of stomach acid.

And finally, after six hours, the diuretic effect of caffeine emerges. Besides water, the body will lose also some essential vitamins and minerals. This may lead sometimes to progressive disorder of calcium in the metabolism.

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